Healthcare is a critical need. It should be affordable. The status quo is rigged in favor of the insurers and they are protected by the regulators. That is why I founded the company so that people can take back control.
Ever feel as though your deductible is so big you might as well not even have health insurance? Or spend hours on the phone arguing with your insurance company about why they didn’t pay? For most Americans, the answer is “yes.” At Delsure, we’re a grassroots movement created for the people, by the people to make healthcare affordable and accessible through better insurance.
Today, health insurance is obtrusive to a level of almost obscenity. Insurers have the power to reject treatment protocols, overrule doctors, and limit patients to a sparse selection of medical facilities.The consumer is totally in the blind, and the medical professional has lost control.
At Delsure, we want to give you back control.
Insurance is a simple idea centered around the calculation of risk, as identified by analyzing historical experience data and applying it to a specific future period. By using this data through the science of statistics, insurance companies can very accurately predict use of healthcare services.
The only operating function of an insurance company is to pay claims on behalf of their members. Today, this costs the legacy insurers huge amounts of money because of all the variables in the policies of their members and the real-time updating of these multiple variables. This need not be so. By utilizing credit card payments of claims through members and removing all variables, we can reduce the cost to pennies on each claim.
The result will be a simple payment of claims method that makes the current insurance claim payment model obsolete. In 80% of cases, practitioners will be paid 100% of their claim at time of service and the member will be free of any other financial claims.
We’re giving members the peace of mind of knowing that their monthly premium is ALL they have to pay. That means:
Ultimately, we’re helping to ensure that families can actually afford to USE their health insurance and not go into serious debt in the event of a medical emergency. To further empower our consumers, we’ll also be operating on an open network model--this means members will be able to go to the provider of their choice rather than being limited. Last but far from least, by paying 80% of claims at the time of service we’re giving healthcare providers full control of treatment protocol decisions.
At the end of the day, we’re putting the power over important health-related decisions back EXACTLY where it belongs: In YOUR hands, and the hands of YOUR chosen medical professional.
Once licensed by the Department of Insurance in Delaware, we will be the FIRST startup health insurer in over 50 years and uniquely positioned to disrupt the health insurance sector. Based on our analysis of various factors in the healthcare and insurance sectors and employer groups in Delaware, we project initial year-over-year revenues of:
Over 150 million people are covered by private insurance, and the top 6 health insurers generate over $500 billion in combined revenues. We are confident that between our reduced cost model and improved consumer experience we will be able to capture a significant segment of this market.
Since first incorporating in June 2017, we have raised $1,100,000 from commited investors without incurring any debt. Within the next 5 years, we aim to overtake the Delaware market and ultimately expand nationwide.
For more information on our infrastructure and models, please be sure to take a look at our pitch deck and stop by our Ask a Question section.
It’s time to disrupt the health insurance industry and take back control of your medical decisions! Together, we can make the change.